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ASEAN manufacturing’s digital transformation in focus as Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur 2024 concludes

The second edition of Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur (IMKL) successfully drew to a close on 12 July 2024. From 10 – 12 July, this conference-led event provided guidance on Industry 4.0 and sustainability to manufacturers across the ASEAN region, bringing together 27 experts from around the world to share insights, present their research findings, and discuss case studies on the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Participants praised the event for its success in uniting professionals across a wide range of industries and backgrounds, along with its wider role in supporting the region’s digital transformation.

What is Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur (IMKL)?

Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur is a conference-led event for businesses of all sizes that want to learn about and take advantage of the digital transformation in manufacturing. Attendees will gain valuable insights from experts on smart factory solutions, predictive maintenance, and more. This is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the manufacturing industry. Let's explore the opportunities!

Speakers, visitors and exhibitors comments about the event

“This is my second time speaking at Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur. At the first edition, the vision was set to establish it as the region’s definitive smart manufacturing event. This year, the programme is focused on pairing digitalisation with sustainability, a particularly important topic, as both market demand and regulations are pushing companies toward these twin transformations.”

“Digitalisation is a broad concept that companies often find challenging to navigate. Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur does a great job of raising awareness and helping participants understand how digitalisation applies to their specific business contexts. Importantly, the event brings together people from the private sector, public institutions, government and research institutes, encouraging the kind of collaboration needed to bring forward digitalisation regionally.”

“As a first-time speaker at Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur, I am impressed by the event’s emphasis on Industry 4.0, highlighting efforts from both government and private organisations. There is an excellent mix of international and local content, which allows companies to benchmark themselves globally. The setup and delegate quality are exceptional. It has been a massive success, and we'll be back next year."

“At the conference, I was able to reach over 200 participants at once, something that would take a year going factory to factory. The audience was highly engaged, asking great questions. Then, we could reinforce these ideas at our booth. People could come and say ‘You say this works, but how?’, and we could show them right there. It has been a productive event for us. We’ve had a continuous stream of visitors, and we look forward to participating again next year.”

“At Synergies, we have seen a shift in the global supply chain from China to Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia and Vietnam. Our partner, FSBM, recommended Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur because it brings together a mix of government policy leaders, technology providers and customers. It is very unique, having so many different industry stakeholders at one conference. The audience was highly engaged, and we saw a lot of international faces in the audience.”

“For MPDV, our decision to attend Intelligent Manufacturing Kuala Lumpur was driven by last year’s strong audience turnout. The event’s format is very effective. The conference encourages active participation and learning, while the product showcases provide a deeper understanding of the practical aspects. This setup attracts delegates with very specific needs and objectives, and through this focus, I think that it is well-positioned to advance the manufacturing sector in the region.”

“Today, we have met with many of our target clients – end users from the manufacturing sector seeking practical solutions. They are coming with clear objectives and showing strong interest in our offerings. While we are open to immediate business, our main focus is on finding quality leads and getting a feel for the industry’s direction. It’s a platform that allows everyone in the industry to participate, to share their pain points and requirements.”

“We are seeing a lot of C-level executives here, which is something that is uncommon at other events. These visitors can make decisions for their companies – exactly our target audience. The Tech Lab is a great addition as well, as it gives us a chance to share our knowledge and showcase our factory monitoring and ESG solutions. We’re seeing more people engage with the Tech Labs as the event progresses.”

"As a data analysis vendor, I came to this event looking for MES systems for my client. The sessions have been really helpful, especially the one on work order planning. It's given me a lot of ideas and insights to share with my clients. After attending for two days, I have a better understanding of what the industry is currently working on. I'll likely join the next edition as well."

"I was particularly impressed by the presentations from FSBM and the sessions on Arduino and Raspberry Pi. In academia, we tend to concentrate on textbooks and theory, so the practical exposure offered at this event has been very beneficial. This year, I’ve noticed that the programme includes a greater emphasis on AI, with interactive presentations and case studies that made the sessions more engaging.”

“The Tech Lab sessions introduced me to manufacturing concepts beyond my usual software development sphere. The speakers were highly experienced in their fields and were adept at explaining complex topics. I’ve gained a broader perspective on current trends in the industry, and look forward to implementing some of these ideas in my role.”

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